While your plumbing system is strong, it’s primarily meant to channel human waste and water away from your home. Taking care of your drains is the best way to keep your plumbing system intact over time, however, many homeowners don’t know which habits may be harming their pipes.
Read on to learn what common household items are better off in the trash.
Kitty Litter
It might seem that flushing kitty litter wouldn’t be a problem. After all, you're just flushing cat waste, right? However, the sand and clay that make up the litter itself are good at absorbing moisture. They'll do the same thing in your toilet or sink. This can lead to a seriously stubborn clog. Sav your plumbing and throw all kitty litter in the garbage.
Potato Peels
If you're considering running potato peels through your garbage disposal, think again. Potatoes and other starchy foods such as pasta expand when exposed to water. Once they’ve expanded, they can contribute to clogs in your plumbing. Unless you're ready to replace your garbage disposal, don't try put potato peels or other starchy foods through it.
It might be tempting to dump cooking grease down your drains for an easy clean-up, but this could spell catastrophe for your drains. Many common sources of grease will coat your drain lines. From there, it can continue to build up within your plumbing. Over time, this can lead to a constricted or closed drain. Instead of dumping grease into your drains, pour it into a bottle until the grease has time to solidify, then throw it in your trash can.
Flushable Wipes
Contrary to what the name of this product might indicate, flushable wipes are not really flushable. Unlike toilet paper, products that claim to be flushable will not break down in your drainage system. This can cause a major clog in your drain. Even if the flushable wipes get to the main sewer, they can cause havoc on your local drainage system. Rather than flushing wipes, you should throw these items in your trash.